IVS Warehouse Management Software - Marketing - IVS

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Công ty IVS chúng tôi được thành lập tại Hồ Chí Minh - Việt Nam vào năm 2002. Ban đầu, để tạo được mối quan tâm của các kĩ sư IT ưu tú Việt Nam đối với việc hợp tác làm ăn với phía Nhật Bản, chúng tôi đã mở một lớp học tiếng Nhật ngoài giờ dành cho những đối tượng này、và từ đó mở rộng việc kinh doanh bằng cách nhận thêm các đơn đặt hàng từ những dự án từ khách hàng Nhật Bản, gọi đó là "Phát triển Offshore"


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IVS - Nơi thực hiện các ý tưởng quản lý

Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 1, 2018

IVS Warehouse Management Software


Warehouse Management Software IWMS is an IVS warehouse management solution built on Microsoft .NET technology, which has been certified as the world's leading enterprise software development platform. IWMS uses the My SQL database management system to help businesses save on deployment costs while still ensuring stringent standards of security and superior performance.
IWMS is the optimal choice for companies who want to manage inventory by quality status, inventory management by branch, store, affiliated agency.
Provides superior solutions to trace the origin of an item when an item is defective.
IWMS has been successfully deployed to companies operating in a variety of industries: trade, services, manufacturing

Functions on system

- System management
- Master data management
- Inventory transaction management
- Inventory management
- Purchase expenses and inventory value management
- Link with bar code machine
Report system


- Organize inventory management by system, branches, factories, workshops, shops and agents in a systematic way.
- Inventory management by batch number and quality status of a commodity.
- Traceability of an item when demand exists in two directions: origin and place of use.
- Manage the inventory age and shelf life of the item to help businesses use inventory properly.
- Users can set up inventory-related alerts to support management purposes: Minimum inventory, maximum inventory, expiration of usage ...
- Manage inventory value, manage and allocate purchase costs.
- Associate with bar code scanners to make timely import and export transactions and support inventory work at the end of the period.
- Ability to link to accounting software and other IVS products: sales management software, purchasing management software, production management software
- Handle hundreds of documents at a time with absolute accuracy

The benefits of using the software

- Manage the maximum and minimum inventory levels of each commodity, thereby balancing inventory, reducing inventory costs, increasing inventory turnover.
- Providing accurate and timely inventory data to help managers plan their purchase plans and adjust their working capital flows.
- Save time with the support of warehouse management software, avoid errors due to inventory and calculation
- Identify exactly the item when purchased or released thanks to the ability to link with bar code scanner.
- Organize the warehouse system and store the stock in a scientific way, limiting the risk of loss or damage.
- The ability to connect the headquarters, affiliates in the same system, makes inventory management at a company-wide level simple and effective.

Hotline: +84-932 036 027 Ms.Tram
Skype: Hoang Phuc Bao Tram
Email: hpbtram@vitenet.net
Web: http://indivisys.vn/

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